Warhammer 40k book list
Warhammer 40k book list

warhammer 40k book list


I will be keeping this as a seperate list from the full novels and will try to update it as I get new information. I'm still leery about downloading short stories both because I don't want to have to re-buy it when a print anthology comes out but also because I don't want to miss anything that may not be physically printed. Add on top of this the shear number of ebooks being put out between Hammer and Bolter, direct only downloads, exclusive chapbooks from Black Library Live and Gamesday events it was getting hard to know what was actually available. Primarily, as I purchased omnibi and anthologies I'd have trouble remembering if I'd read some of the short stories before. Knowing these builds front to back and keeping up with the current meta is integral to a competitive 40k players success.

warhammer 40k book list

Just like Dungeons & Dragons has overpowered class builds, so does Warhammer 40k have overpowered army builds. This became necessary as a natural off shoot of the original list for a number of reasons. Warhammer 40ks rule book and codices arent all that a competitive player needs to read. UPDATE! As of early 2012 I've had to put together a second list which encompasses all of the short stories written for 40k. Warhammer 40K RUMORS Horus Heresy Box Set.


Currently there are 635 novels on the list, of which I've read 578. As you can see in this Horus Heresy reading order list the last book in this series is The Lost and the Damned. Id love to keep this list updated with all of the banners. If you have one youd like to submit, please go ahead and just post here, or send me a DM. With everyone pumping out tons of awesome Warhammer banners, I wanted to create a master list that comprises all of the WH40k and WHFB banners. Rise of the Ynnari series as seminal Black Library works that have delved into some of the most fascinating corners of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. I'll try and keep it updated as best I can, for now it's good through July 2021. Warhammer & Warhammer 40k Banners Master List. I've included the excel version of this list (minus my read checklist) here if you wish to use it. The list below is sorted by author/editor. I've also been forced to add the ebook only novels as Black Library have started releasing more of them. I have included collections and omnibii as they often contain extras that add to the stories. These are just the novels and anthologies, none of the art books, codices, graphic novels, or audio books. I figured other people may have the same desire as me so I'm putting it online(you're welcome Lexicanum). After searching online I was surprised that there was no central list of all Games Workshop novels (not even Wikipedia has a comprehensive list) so I put together a spreadsheet. With such a large number of stories and 45-55 new titles every year it was getting hard to keep track of everything. It starts with an overview of the Warhammer 40,000 hobby, covering the four areas of Collect, Built, Paint and Play, including descriptions of open, matched, and narrative. I've been reading Warhammer 40k novels for years. A 368-page hardback, this is the essential book for any fan of Warhammer 40,000 everything you need to know to collect, build, paint and play with Citadel miniatures.

Warhammer 40k book list